Parhit Samaj Seva Sanstha
Key Achievements
The following are key achievements of Parhit:
- Improvement is seen in water and sanitation resources and villages are independent related to accessibility of water and sanitation as per their local need.
- Improvement is noticed in awareness through capacity building and group organisations.
- Community have much time to access water and sanitation after the project implementation and they have lot of time to their livelihood options also.
- In all our 20 Project villages supported through Water aid we had almost achieved our target for HHRWHS, Check dam, Mini water supply scheme and make them IWRM model villages.
- At least 85% of HHs getting adequate drinking water.
- At least 80% functional hand pumps and water is available round the year in the HPs
- 70% Percent of men, women and children stopped open defecation and practice proper hand washing methods.
- Pupils are aware of the advantages of the Kitchen Garden.
- In all the schools of our Project area students are aware of our work and the key factors of Hygiene and Sanitation.
- Through IEC Activities community mobilizing is done for awareness creation on hygiene.
- In all trainings water conservation was our main focus for mobilizing the community, SHG VWSC member and the change was appreciable.
- More than 200 Self Help Groups formed. Many of them have taken up income generation activities
- Twenty SHGs formed in Datia district and 16 Grain Banks formed in Pichhor block of Shivpuri district
- A total of 126 Mahila Mandals formed. They keep a watch on implementation of government welfare schemes and carry out advocacy for the same
- Almost all the Public Distribution System (PDS) shops functioning properly in the operational areas because of CBO pressure
- Founder member of Madhya Pradesh Jan Adhikar Manch and SAMAN networks